The world’s richest person loves the luxury secret Mexican telecom tycoon sky-high mansion

Carlos Slim Helu, a Mexican telecom tycoon with a value of $53.5 billion, purchased the Duke-Semans mansion's urban art house for $44 million, just across the street from the Metropolitan Museum. , set the highest price in New York in the past two years.

Looking from the stone steps of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art to the opposite street, you may be able to see the richest man in the world.

The history of the landlord Tamir Sapir’s fortune was known to everyone—starting from the oil trade and reinvesting in industry, he became a billionaire as a taxi driver. The mansion was originally owned by tobacco giant Benjamin N. Derek (Benjamin N. Duke) descendants owned. In 2006, Sepo took it into the pocket with a price of 40 million U.S. dollars. Now it is profitable to transfer 10%, which is a happy ending to the economic market.

What key information was revealed from the price of the Duke of Mans and his price of 44 million, how will the transaction change the luxury housing market?

Duke Simmans Mansion is unique

In the ultra high-end housing market in Manhattan, the site is of utmost importance, and Duke Zimans is uniquely positioned: It is located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, in New York City's proud "Museum Mile". on. However, occupying a suitable street (5th Avenue in New York is sought after by the world) is not enough to explain her greatness. The reputation of the luxury home is also in the number of feet she can extend on the high street.

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