Key points of balanced fertilization technology in orchard

Carrying out balanced fertilization is conducive to improving fertilizer utilization, improving fertility, improving fruit quality and yield, and increasing farmers' income.

1. Wide open the fertilizer source, increase the input of organic fertilizer, and fertilize the soil fertility of the orchard. In the balanced fertilization of orchard, we must adhere to the combination of organic and inorganic, and mainly use organic fertilizer to improve the soil organic matter content, improve soil structure and balance by carrying out straw stacking, orchard grass, application of biogas residue and refined organic fertilizer application. Soil nutrients improve fruit quality.

2. Adhere to the principle of applying N, P and K elements together with the application of trace element fertilizers, and use the soil testing and fertilizer technology to formulate a scientific and reasonable fertilizer ratio. In the fertilization method, according to the fertilization characteristics of the fruit trees, the fertilizer is applied in stages.

The base fertilizer application period is to apply all organic fertilizer after harvesting, 60% phosphate fertilizer, 40% nitrogen fertilizer and 30% potassium fertilizer, ring or radial ditch application, and the fertilizer application depth is 30-40cm.

Fruit tree germination and topdressing period (spring), 40% of total phosphorus fertilizer, 40% of total nitrogen fertilizer, 30% of total potassium fertilizer, promote fruit tree spring and young fruit growth.

The fruit is inflated and topdressed (summer), applying 20% ​​of total nitrogen fertilizer and 40% of total potassium fertilizer. Spraying medium and trace element fertilizers such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.

3, fertilization technology assembly and support: to adapt to local conditions, due to tree system, focus on, selectively in the orchard to promote water storage and irrigation, cave irrigation, biogas application, water retention agent, biological fertilizer and other soil fertilizer new technology, new Products, give full play to the effect of fertilization on fruit production and increase production.
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